Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just Let Go Laughing......

Well, I had a super-duper, giggly time with Kaylie in Vega. (Even though the guy in the Village grocery store heard me say that I had been to Vega and he asked me if the lights were still burning......uhhh, yup. THEN, I realized he thought I said Vegas. Whole 'nother story. And state. And week, as a matter of fact. I'll let you know how that goes).

Anyway, back to the giggles. Kaylie and I are at that fun stage in the mother-daughter relationship when it just literally takes a few code words or memories to be able to dissolve into laughter. Russ, her husband, Thank Heavens has the ability to either busy himself other ways or just hit the mental mute button and ignore us completely. We spent several silly and fun hours laughing over some funny memories....

I CRACK UP in the Ya Ya Sisterhood when Teensy says "You are sooooo lucky. If you put one scratch on my baby, I would have your ass."

The scene goes on..we know each and every word...but we don't have to get to the end of it...because all we ever say is...."You are soooooo lucky." That's exactly how far we get before we crying and peeing with laughter...(did I write that out loud?) Wheeeewwww, that is very very good thing. Also, if you know the rest of the lines to the scene, you are my new friend. Of course, that's a movie chock-ful o' fabulous lines.

By the way, to the unindoctrinated...the baby in the scene above, is a classic car and NOT a real baby. I'm just saying.

More funnies:

Now, all funnies are not movie-related....our new favorite giggle was this on the awkward family site (not that we're an awkward family or anything). Because, as you know,
"fabulous dinners do not just make themselves"
smooches and hugs, Marney.
You really should read's a blast and it will make you so grateful for your own holiday get-togethers no matter how dysfunctional they are. Kaylie, as a newlywed, really dug the part Marney wrote to Lisa. At least anything I say to her won't sound as bad as what Marney says!

And, can you stand it? There's more!!!!!!

If you haven't listened to the Left-brain grocery list, here it is. You will definitely howl. If you were raised in the south, you will relate. Because really, I don't care what things cost by the 1/2 ounce either. Some things just really hit home and this funny audio is one of them. Get a glass of sweet tea, put your feet up and let go laughing!

Hmmmm, now....isn't that nice?

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