Monday, July 26, 2010

I've Got Your Number and I've Got Your Back

The Calendar may still say July...which I realize is technically still summer.  But this is, in my Pavlovian-type mind actually the beginning of fall.  I come to this conclusion because I started "Back to School" today. 

For me:  First day of school = Fall. 
              Fall = Football.

I heart Football.  Alot.

Peewee football.  Optimist Football.  High School (Go Pampa Harvesters.  Yea Perryton Rangers.  Get 'em Miami Warriors.)  College Football is the absolute best.  I love pro because of 33.  Some of you may know about that little side game.

I grew up watching my big brother play football.  I continued  by spednding years enjoying watching my son play football and was proud to see him become a Pampa Harvester. 

I love everything that goes with it.  The two a days (that's WATCHING THEM, not practicing), the scrimmages, the crisp fall air, the whistles of the refs as the game starts, the sounds of the crowd, the cheerleaders, the band.  I love it all. 

That's why, when I heard this song today, I'm pretty sure I will make it my theme song for the fall season.  WHAT, you don't have a theme song for the fall?  You mean the average person doesn't do that?  Well, they should.  I do.  You can share mine.  And you will want to when you hear this.  It sent a little shiver up my spine.

I think football players understand teamwork.  They learn how to have each others to stick together.  Lessons that help them in life.  Somehow, that just gets to me.

Can't you just hear the ref's whistle blowing right now?  Yes sir, we'll take the ball.

Monday, July 19, 2010

In the Good Ole Summertime

I took a little walk down memory lane a few days ago.  I was cleaning out a storage building and came across three cd's of photos from 8-10 years ago.  It got me to reminiscing about years past.  I had a few laughs and a few tears.  These, thankfully were witnessed only by my dog and my recliner...both which which I have an unusually close relationship.  Some might say unhealthy.  And by some, I mean my doctor and my scales.
But I digress.
Anyway, looking at all those pictures brings me to this conclusion:  I just LOVE SUMMERS.  Because I am entering my 28th year of education (and some of you can relate), I have always saved everything up for the summer.  Vacations with the family, girlfriend trips, 10 foot high piles of ironing, housecleaning, repairs to the home that I intend to do and never do until....summer.
Truly, my children understood this.  Mommy was just too busy during the school year to do...well, anything I guess.  (According to them)  There were perks to being a teacher's kid.  All the paper clips and markers they cared to play with after school.  They went along on their share of school-related errands and trips.  My kiddos starred in pep rallies, homecoming parades.  They dressed in miniature cheerleader outfits and football uniforms.  They were babied by cheerleaders and their mothers when I was a cheerleader sponsor.   They were children that literally belonged to the small town that we lived in at the time. 
My daughter, now aged 25,  swears that when she got sick at school when she was in elementary (and I taught high school) that I made her sleep on a bean bag under my desk while I continued to teach on about whatever I thought was absolutely essential for those young minds to know.  Since I was at that time a business was probably how to change an element on the IBM Selectric II.  Real helpful, huh?  By the way, for those of you under the age of 50....that's a typewriter.  Very fancy in its day.  We were cool like that.  Oh my.  I guess the point is that I was a very dedicated professional.  Do not stop teaching for anything.  Or at least that's the story my daughter tells.  Now, as a principal....I would scold a teacher for doing that.
And then I would go in and smooch on their children.  But I've mellowed.  Alot.

Now....I hang my head as I recall one April when my son...having, I'm sure, been told many times that "we'll have to wait till summer" when asking me various questions.....asked me this question....the question that would sear my soul and heart..twinge my conscience...sent me right home from work where I would stay and pay special attention to my family THAT VERY NIGHT.  What was that question??????

"Mom,  this summer....could you bake us a cake?"

He got his cake that evening.

With a flourish and a hug.

Have a great REST of your summer. Encourage each other.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Just Say Thank You

Have you ever just felt convicted from a conversation?  I have.  Today.  In casual conversation, my sister mentioned a Beth Moore video that had really spoken to her.  When she described the nature of it...I felt like little electrical pulses were going off inside me.  I had to see this video.

So I found it and watched it and it is ....well, you need to judge it for yourself.  It's about rejecting God's Encouragement by rejecting encouragement that others are giving us on a daily basis.

We've all done that, right?  When someone says, "Wow, that outfit looks pretty on you!"  and  we respond, "I've gained so much weight" or "It's so old" or whatever negative comment you can come up with to attach to the outfit that....face KNOW you look good in. 

As usual, Beth Moore brings to light how by rejecting their encouragement we are in fact calling them liars.   And also not receiving God's encouragement.   And also....think about this...What if they had to sort of muster up the courage to give you that compliment?  And then you shot it down??  What are the odds of THAT person complimenting you again?  Or working up the courage to compliment another person again soon?  Ummmm....did your DIScouragement also cheat another person out of some ENcouragement?   

None of us would willingly (if we thought about it for more than 1/2 second) do that on purpose...but don't we just do this automatically out of a sense of misguided humility?

My husband told me the other day that "sometimes you do go on" about things.  And I can only imagine how you are thinking.... "Boo, there is only so much you can say on this subject"...but believe me, I am talking to myself.

I vow to receive compliments and encouragements.  And I hope you will too.  Because YOU are awesome.

Here's the video:

So, just say Thank You.  And then reflect on how blessed you are.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What's in a Name?

I was at a family reunion and I learned that a cousin of of mine's grandchildren called her "Go-Mama"....don't you just love that?  I'm highly interested in that because I am expecting my first grandchild.

To clarify, my daughter is expecting my first grandchild.  Hubs has corrected me on this many times, yet I continue to say that I'm expecting a grandchild.....well, I AM expecting a grandchild, right???

Anyway, I digress, because isn't Go-Mama the cutest nickname?  But since it's already taken, my little sweet-pea will have to think of something on her own.  Whatever it is, will be JUST FINE.  After all, my brother-in-law is happy with the name "Duh", which he was labeled after his oldest grandchild started that (we suspect derived from "Dad", but really, who knows?

My nickname since I was a child has been Boo and even my own children call me Boo. They contend that I long ago learned to block out the name "Mom" and quit answering to it.  I deny this but they insist that it is true.   Many of the teachers at the school where I am a principal call me Boo and most all of their children do.  My husband calls me BooMama or sometimes BooMammy (the latter NOT being my preference!!)  But I suspect my name will be some form of Boo or BooMama.

I love it when people have cool Granny names....

Some I have heard lately:

and one I had never heard:

Well, enough rambling about this subject....I may not be Go-Mama....but I'm on the road again right now...after all, it's SUMMER!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The REAL Party Day

So.....the real party day...July 5, 2008...arrived. David cooked huge amounts of food.  The band showed up and plugged in.   Family and friends started arriving at the Grove....lookin' all cute and darlin'

Even the turkeys showed up..maybe they thought it was a funeral for the other turkey!
Hubs and his niece.....all smiles!

After a BIG meal, David and I rounded up the kids, hustled them off to the house for a change of attire, while my brother, an announcement:

Then we arrived with the wedding clothes, ready for a ceremony! When we told the kids (it was a surprise for them, also), they were excited and happy.  Our favorite line was when we all got dressed and took and breath, looked at each other and Chase said...."Let's go make a family!"


Here comes the preacher!

People were surprised and happy.

Except for the ones who were surprised and teary!
(We met at their wedding)
Then we celebrated...
and celebrated
and celebrated

There were no bouquets.
There was no wedding cake.
There were no bridesmaids....
Or organ music..
There was no soloist...

But there was a beautiful evening ...the MOST beautiful evening in the Texas panhandle EVER. 
And for us and our friends,

Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I Love Me a Party!!

When the word spreads in a small Texas town, such as the one I live in that a couple would like to have a party to celebrate their love, everyone pitches in. Two years ago, my then-fiancee and I made such an announcement. We knew we were too old for a wedding, but we did want to have some sort of celebration to sort of "mark the moment" of our togetherness...our coupledom, if you will.   Well, in the village, all of our dear friends pitched in and joined in the preparations. The largest contribution was by a dear couple friend who allowed us to have the party in their cottonwood grove.   He's the fella leaning against the pole in this picture. Also, since we were going to have a band and dancing....well, he and his wife decided they would pour a cement dance floor. This involved lots of back-breaking well as many hours of men drinking lots of adults beverages and making plans and watching cement dry. It was a bonding experience.  It, along with the electrical project (well, we HAD to have lighting, didn't we?)...well, the pre-celebration lasted for days.....all with a great amount of well...levity, if you know what I mean.
Then family started coming in to help celebrate. Not being rookies to throwing was fourth of July weekend.  Pictured below is me (in black) one of my friends and my daughter. We are supervising the work. It had to be done.

While it was still the 4th of July, the guys decided to decorate the dance area. One way they did this was by wrapping the trees with lights and placing baskets of flowers from our hosts deck into the holes in the trees. It looked great!
The pic below is a little harder to explain.  It was a little farther into the planning/decorating/pre-celebrating.  Let me explain...There was a dead turkey up in one of the cottonwood trees. Someone noticed it and the women in the group just COULD NOT GET OVER the whole thing. Conversation led to turkeys, how Benjamin Franklin wanted turkeys to be the national bird instead of the eagle (we are nothing if not intellectual and historically accurate in the village). This inexplicably, or maybe naturally led to the females in the group standing then singing ...hands on their hearts...the star spangled banner...TO the dead turkey in the tree. Just for the record, I was not at this event.  But many of the people that I love and hold dearest to me in the world WERE present.  I'm quite sure that they will be thrilled that I am putting this out there.

The boys were taking a break.  Two of the guys below are our sons. I'll let you figure out which ones because I really, truly  claim parental rights to them all. They are a handsome group. 

Now here are the men taking their break.  The man on the left is now my hubs, who is always ready for a party.  Beside him is my sister's husband.  I think I have literally know him as long as I've know my sister and he is the nicest man on earth.   What he is not, despite what you see here, is a cowboy.  What he an adventurer. 

What you may have lost in the thread of this long, long tedious tale is that the party HASNT happened yet. This is all pre-party.  Therefore, all of the pictures in today's post are during the week or some on the day before. Like this one of all the yo0ung men making a wind-block to light a firework of some kind. They are professionals at this sort of things apparently.

When that didn't work, they hid behind the porta-potties to block the wind.  Always thinking, those guys.

I love the teamwork and fun of living in a small town.  In my next post, I will show you pics of the actual party.

Almost like the Indescribeable Sweetness of Summer

I spent an entire day today doing....absolutely nothing.

To fully understand this statement, you must understand a typical day in my life. I typically arrive at work around 6:00 a.m....and it's a 30 minute commute. I do not usually take a lunch break. I receive approximately 7,000 phone calls and 300 visits to my office a day. 3 of those phone calls a year have been positive. You see, I'm a principal in an elementary school. How many times have you called the principal of your child's/grandchild's school to tell them how great everything was? You may THINK it, but you call when there's a problem.

Perhaps I exaggerate on the phone calls. By one or two. But suffice it to say that recently my sister told me kindly that I was really, truly consumed by my job. I filed that away as something to think about when I had time. That was a month ago.

Yesterday was the day I remembered it and I thought about what she said. And she was right. So what could I do on my vacation that is REAL relaxation? Pure pleasure? A genuine retreat from my daily grind?

So, today, I read a whole book.
And it was a novel.
A hardback.
That I chose.
At an actual bookstore.
This was a pleasure from my younger that I could participate in without one hint of guilt. In recent years, I have been unable to complete a magazine article without falling asleep. And any books I have read in the last seven years have been required work-related book studies.

But no, not THIS day. On THIS day, I got up. I made and poured coffee. I read. I lost myself in the book. I rose from the leather recliner only to take care of personal needs and to let the dog in/out/in/out/in/out. Well, you get the picture. She's a brat. Anyway,it's a good thing because unlike when I was younger I found that I needed to move to keep the circulation going in my legs. I read The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender. I highly recommend it. Not the book so much, but the concept.

I'm highly committed to the concept. So much so, in fact, that I may try it out again tomorrow. I'm calling it The Inexplicable Joy of Idleness by Beverly Underwood. Catchy, huh?