Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What's in a Name?

I was at a family reunion and I learned that a cousin of of mine's grandchildren called her "Go-Mama"....don't you just love that?  I'm highly interested in that because I am expecting my first grandchild.

To clarify, my daughter is expecting my first grandchild.  Hubs has corrected me on this many times, yet I continue to say that I'm expecting a grandchild.....well, I AM expecting a grandchild, right???

Anyway, I digress, because isn't Go-Mama the cutest nickname?  But since it's already taken, my little sweet-pea will have to think of something on her own.  Whatever it is, will be JUST FINE.  After all, my brother-in-law is happy with the name "Duh", which he was labeled after his oldest grandchild started that (we suspect derived from "Dad", but really, who knows?

My nickname since I was a child has been Boo and even my own children call me Boo. They contend that I long ago learned to block out the name "Mom" and quit answering to it.  I deny this but they insist that it is true.   Many of the teachers at the school where I am a principal call me Boo and most all of their children do.  My husband calls me BooMama or sometimes BooMammy (the latter NOT being my preference!!)  But I suspect my name will be some form of Boo or BooMama.

I love it when people have cool Granny names....

Some I have heard lately:

and one I had never heard:

Well, enough rambling about this subject....I may not be Go-Mama....but I'm on the road again right now...after all, it's SUMMER!

1 comment:

  1. Whatever your grand baby will call you it will be the greatest sound your ears will hear from now on. I would like my future grand babies to call me mama cat but my daughter thinks it is silly and told me that would not happen! I hope all is well at the home front. I miss all of the wonderful panhandle people. Give all the ones at Austin a hug for me when you see them. Cathy Jones


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