March, OR April.
Also, its not that I haven't had anything important in my life...yes indeedy, I have. I just kind of got caught up in the big things,
the little things,
and the long, cold dreary winter.
Really....did yall complain about the winter as much as I did? I will be remembered by friends and relatives for YEARS to come who are just so sick of hearing me whine about the weather. AND by a goodly number of people who just got unlucky enough to stand by me in the grocery store line, the post office line, or in the car next to me at the stop light. Okay, not really on the last one. But there have been times I was tempted.
HONK HONK...."Hey Lady...It's freezing, Huh?"
Is that normal? And did I just use the word "goodly" in the paragraph above?
I am SO relieved so see sights such as this:
and this:
that I could just squeal with glee!
With my heart beating with just a little extra delight these days, and a little lighter step..maybe I'll be writing more. I DO have a few little tidbits that I'd like to share with you in the coming days.
Hopefully, things more interesting than the weather report. (But is has been windy, hasn't it?)
I did NOT take pictures during the 80 mph winds and when temperatures were far below zero. Or the ground covered with snow. Because I. don't. like. that. I'm still trying to keep from shivering and am now trying to unclench my jaws from being cold all winter.
So....all this blah, blah, just to say....Yea!!! I feel reborn, alive, happy again! Yeehaww and yahoo, let's go outside and run a few miles! Or at least walk one mile. Or sit in the lawn chair and sip something yummy...whatever you're up for. Because I'm game.
Call me.
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