Whewww, what a bloggy slacker I have been!! There is so much going on in my crazy life right now I don't know where to begin. Because really, now that I think about it...none of it's all that intriguing, really.
I was required (oops, did I say required? I meant I volunteered in a duress-y sort of way) to write an article for my local newspaper. This happened during one of the administrative meetings that I have attended this year. They blur together and sometimes they last long enough that in a weak moment...lacking hydration and nutrition..in an attempt to hurry things along,out of desperation-- I "volunteer" for things. Sometimes it leaves me in a bind by adding something else to my already crowded schedule. This time, it just added a little pit in the bottom of my stomach because this would appear in the paper WITH MY NAME on it and my only instructions were "Oh yeah, it needs to be about 11.5 pt font and about a page and a half."
YIKES!! Even Mrs. Knighton (God rest her soul) in Senior English class gave me a topic. I really needed a topic. I thought for days about a topic. I asked my husband for his opinion, my best friend, my sister, my daughter. Really, now....just throw me a crumb of what the general public might be interested in. I'll bet you YOURSELF are wishing I would get around to a topic right this very minute, aren't you? Anyway, assuming it should be something somehow related to EDUCATION seeing as how it was going to be representing my school district and all. And also because that's basically the only thing I know anything about.
Then I realized that most of the research-y blah blah schtuff that I know would not be of interest to the general public or really to much of anybody in general.
I fussed.
I worried.
I ate. (that's what I typically do, though--no matter what the situation, so that might not count) and finally I wrote.
Most people who read it might later wonder still what the topic is but I would say ...other than giving a few tips on the upcoming parent conferences, and being careful what you say in e-mails....it teaches the following lesson:
That while the the book of Timothy in the Bible states that they Love of money is the root of all evil.....I have come to believe it might really be what my friend says: Communication or the Lack Thereof is truly the root of most of our everyday problems at work and home.
And that something we can all take with us every day, isn't it?
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