On the other hand, I'm writing this and my hubby is snoring loudly from the other room. That comes from the exactly 1 and 1/2 hours of sleep he got last night. Wisely, he showed up at the room this morning at 5:30 a.m. with a cup of coffee in his hand for me. Wiser, but not wealthier than he was when he did THE EXACT SAME THING in April. Ahhh well...live and learn. He has a love/hate relationship with the blackjack tables.
The good news is we're back and everybody's healthy. In case you didn't read the previous post...he has had a few teensy problems making it home from Vegas in fine form.
It's definitely an interesting place to people watch. And because it is the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Walking on the Moon (July 20, 1969).. the Fremont Street Experience is focusing on that and the whole Woodstock thing. So all the casinos and street musicians....well...all the music EVERYWHERE...because if you know L.V., you know they are GREAT at marketing and executing that marketing plan...so they really did the 60's thing BIG TIME. So....the tunes of the late sixties really took me back. It was pretty cool. And kinda groovy, ya know?

I remember watching the first steps on the lunar surface. I had just arrived home from church camp. (...For those of you who can relate, yes, it was Pan Fork Baptist Encampment. I can taste the Sweet Tea served from the pail on the table right this very minute.....ooooh the wonderful & fun memories from THAT place! But I digress.) I just know that I was ten years old and that at the camp we were updated on the progression of the Apollo 11 mission. Once I was home Apollo 11 landed on the moon and I gathered around the big old Zenith with my fam and we hung on each and every word Walter Cronkite narrated while Neil Armstrong spoke those famous first words on the moon. It was fantastic. I remember it like it was yesterday.
Even as a child, I knew I was watching something very important and historic. My father was great at helping me understand the value of these things. Thanks, Dad.

Oh that is soooooooo sweet!!!