I have been gone a long time....so that might give you a hint if you have followed me before....that something big has happened in my life. In this case, back on February 21...my daughter brought great joy to my life in the tiny delightful bundle of a new baby girl. You may know that it is difficult for me to write about a new grandchild. They are just so unspeakably PRECIOUS and I just don't want to jinx anything.
Which brings me to my actual topic: ( I just know that if anyone reads this, one must be thinking: Gee, I thought her topic was her new granddaughter...but you would be wrong..I'm saving that until later.) So anyway, it's about what a great Mommy my daughter has turned out to be.
Maybe some of you who are new-ish grandmas can relate. I mean for sure I THOUGHT I was pretty awesome. I had great children, a fun and happy life. You know, I breast fed and everything, people!!!!...which back in the mid-eighties was the pinnacle of motherhood. Some of you may relate to this, but Motherhood changes.
Back in the eighties, our super-duper advisers, our doctors, and our mothers told us to lay our babies on their tummies. (YOU KNOW WHY.....I had nightmares about it)
I don't think I gave even rice cereal to my first child for 10 or 11 months. Or maybe one year. I know it was a long, long time.
But my daughter had her own ideas about mothering. And to my great surprise, she was not always excited about me sharing my vast knowledge. This has been a BIG learning curve for me.
One of the things that I most admire her for is that there is one word that she does not allow in her home. Probably really way more than one, but today we are talking about a certain one. I so wish that I had enough wisdom to have outlaws this word in my home.
The word is "f.a.t.". My daughter doesn't use it, and won't let anyone else use it. She talks about "healthy" and "nutritious" and such wonderful words as that. She said it took her awhile when she made this rule, because she would find herself wanting to say negative things about herself. It was a tough habit to break. She wisely realize that this word (the new f word) would probably had a negative effect on her little girls' self image...she she just MADE A RULE. She is a young woman who loves a rule!!
This is a challenge.....can you go a day without criticizing yourself out loud? You know what I mean.....I'm forgetful, I'm fat, I'm so slow, etc.....I don't know what you say to yourself or out loud, but I do know what I have a tendency to say.
So I challenge myself....and you to integrate this positive new habit. Let's don't speak negatively about ourselves. Out loud or to ourselves. Can you imagine how your life would change if you didn't put yourself in those same boxes each day?
Can you imagine how those comments affect those who hang on our every word? Who model their lives after us?
Let's join hands----right now-----and promise to be sweet to ourselves....(was that a little dramatic?)
You'll hear more about these new mothering techniques.....because I am in constant amazement of the ideas my daughter comes up with!!
Until then....be blessed...
Much love,
Monday, June 18, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
An Inconvenient Trip
I have a story to tell you. It's not a pretty one. Unless we're enemies and then you are going to be very, very happy.
Recently, as sometimes happens, the Boss of Me asked if I would take a quick trip to our state capital on school business. No prob. I can't even count the number of trips, especially to Austin, that I have taken in the last nine years.
And before I start I should tell you that I DO NOT even believe in luck. Bad or Good. I've preached it for years, it's just taken or missed opportunities. Lack of preparation might be a factor, blah, blah, blah. Who knows? I only knew that if you attribute something to luck, then you disconnecting yourself from any credit or responsibility for it. And I am ALL ABOUT the responsibility thing.
It's like this.
I was on my way to the airport..about 60 miles away. I receive a voice mail from the airline that says my second leg of my flight was delayed. A lot. Like three hours delayed. I was already supposed to have a long layover, and this pushed my arrival to Austin back to a time that is only excusable if you have been out to a frat party. On a weekend. During your freshman year, when you are still excited about things like that. Had I known the series of unfortunate events that were about to come in the upcoming 36 hours, I would have turned around right then.
So I arrive and am gliding right through security when an ever-so-polite uniformed man asks me to step aside. Yes sir, no problem. He needed to examine my purse a little more closely. Absolutely. Go right ahead.
Never was anyone more sure than I was that I was completely CLEAN, yall. I mean, really, besides my contact case...what could it be? Well, there was something.
Just a little old bitty teensy something. It was.................a knife.
I know...a knife.
In my purse.
That I was carrying on.
The airplane. You know those signs that say they take all threats seriously? They are not kidding. My knife caused an uproar in the security area. Uniformed people gathered around me. Some separated from the group to whisper to each other. I was in fear...not because I was afraid of arrest, but because this was one of my good dinner knife. From my QVC set. Pattern Domain. No longer available. I begged for mercy. I begged them not to confiscate my knife. It would ruin a perfectly good set. With just about everyone examining the blade to determine if it was serrated, how serrated, etc.
Then to my delight and surprise, the Sanhedrin dispersed and I was informed that they would let me on through. WITH my knife. Can you believe it? They did warn me to pack it in my checked luggage on the way home.
Whooooooooooo, breath of relief.
So, on to Dallas and my eternally long wait. It was so late that I was unable to participate in my favorite airport activities, eating and shopping. That place was a morgue. So, I went on to my alternate activities: people watching and reading.
There's more. Feel free to stop now. I'm warning you.
Upon arrival in Austin, it was a rainstorm. It was 1:30 a.m. Rental car booths were closed down. No taxis. My phone, by this time, was dead. So to my relief, Avis opened up and I got a car. I rented a GPS. Any of you who are as deeply entrenched in a bureaucracy as I am knows that if you go rogue like I did and rent from Avis instead of Enterprise, heads are gonna roll, girlfriend!! Also....I already knew the GPS was going to come out of my own pocket, but at this time all I could think of was getting to the hotel and getting a couple of hours of sleep before my next day's meeting.
I got to my hotel after my GPS tried to get me to turn left right on the interstate. But even to my BLEARY brain this did not sound like a good idea.
A couple of hours of sleep....on to the conference venue.
On the way was one of those streets that has a stoplight every single block. But in between the lights, people drive fast. I was in the left lane, but......and if I'm lying, I'm dying....a black cat ran out in front of me. And stopped. And never, ever moved. I had to wait and change lanes and go around him. Last I saw of the black cat, he was still sitting in his chosen location.
Once again, I should've read the signs. The omens. Turn out and go home. Now.
So, the conference location did not exist. At least not at the address that was published. I was there. AT the address listed. And it was not there. After driving around aimlessly and making a few circles in the area, I found it. Good news, conference was great!
The 12 mile drive back to the hotel that evening took 1 and 1/2 hours. That's just Austin for you. But by the time I got back to the hotel (still raining)....I kid you not, I walked to the Denny's next door and got take out. It was a low point in my life. You understand if you know how very cool Austin is and how much fun you can have there.
I had to check out of the hotel about 6 the next morning. The clerk behind the desk was working on the receipt FOREVER. Finally, he gave up and admitted he was the bartender and he was the only one on duty. So I left without a receipt. (More trouble from the business office of the bureaucracy!)
And that's about it, other than my carry-on bag ripping and falling completely apart. That didn't seem so bad in comparison to other recent events. By that time, I was expecting it.
As I steeled myself for whatever happened next, the ride home was relatively crisis free. And when I arrived home in Amarillo (knife secured in the checked bag).....I kissed the cold, hard ground.....so happy to be home and vowing to never leave again.
Blessings and may all your travels be smoooooth!
Recently, as sometimes happens, the Boss of Me asked if I would take a quick trip to our state capital on school business. No prob. I can't even count the number of trips, especially to Austin, that I have taken in the last nine years.
And before I start I should tell you that I DO NOT even believe in luck. Bad or Good. I've preached it for years, it's just taken or missed opportunities. Lack of preparation might be a factor, blah, blah, blah. Who knows? I only knew that if you attribute something to luck, then you disconnecting yourself from any credit or responsibility for it. And I am ALL ABOUT the responsibility thing.
It's like this.
I was on my way to the airport..about 60 miles away. I receive a voice mail from the airline that says my second leg of my flight was delayed. A lot. Like three hours delayed. I was already supposed to have a long layover, and this pushed my arrival to Austin back to a time that is only excusable if you have been out to a frat party. On a weekend. During your freshman year, when you are still excited about things like that. Had I known the series of unfortunate events that were about to come in the upcoming 36 hours, I would have turned around right then.
So I arrive and am gliding right through security when an ever-so-polite uniformed man asks me to step aside. Yes sir, no problem. He needed to examine my purse a little more closely. Absolutely. Go right ahead.
Never was anyone more sure than I was that I was completely CLEAN, yall. I mean, really, besides my contact case...what could it be? Well, there was something.
Just a little old bitty teensy something. It was.................a knife.
I know...a knife.
In my purse.
That I was carrying on.
The airplane. You know those signs that say they take all threats seriously? They are not kidding. My knife caused an uproar in the security area. Uniformed people gathered around me. Some separated from the group to whisper to each other. I was in fear...not because I was afraid of arrest, but because this was one of my good dinner knife. From my QVC set. Pattern Domain. No longer available. I begged for mercy. I begged them not to confiscate my knife. It would ruin a perfectly good set. With just about everyone examining the blade to determine if it was serrated, how serrated, etc.
Then to my delight and surprise, the Sanhedrin dispersed and I was informed that they would let me on through. WITH my knife. Can you believe it? They did warn me to pack it in my checked luggage on the way home.
Whooooooooooo, breath of relief.
So, on to Dallas and my eternally long wait. It was so late that I was unable to participate in my favorite airport activities, eating and shopping. That place was a morgue. So, I went on to my alternate activities: people watching and reading.
There's more. Feel free to stop now. I'm warning you.
Upon arrival in Austin, it was a rainstorm. It was 1:30 a.m. Rental car booths were closed down. No taxis. My phone, by this time, was dead. So to my relief, Avis opened up and I got a car. I rented a GPS. Any of you who are as deeply entrenched in a bureaucracy as I am knows that if you go rogue like I did and rent from Avis instead of Enterprise, heads are gonna roll, girlfriend!! Also....I already knew the GPS was going to come out of my own pocket, but at this time all I could think of was getting to the hotel and getting a couple of hours of sleep before my next day's meeting.
I got to my hotel after my GPS tried to get me to turn left right on the interstate. But even to my BLEARY brain this did not sound like a good idea.
A couple of hours of sleep....on to the conference venue.
On the way was one of those streets that has a stoplight every single block. But in between the lights, people drive fast. I was in the left lane, but......and if I'm lying, I'm dying....a black cat ran out in front of me. And stopped. And never, ever moved. I had to wait and change lanes and go around him. Last I saw of the black cat, he was still sitting in his chosen location.
Once again, I should've read the signs. The omens. Turn out and go home. Now.
So, the conference location did not exist. At least not at the address that was published. I was there. AT the address listed. And it was not there. After driving around aimlessly and making a few circles in the area, I found it. Good news, conference was great!
The 12 mile drive back to the hotel that evening took 1 and 1/2 hours. That's just Austin for you. But by the time I got back to the hotel (still raining)....I kid you not, I walked to the Denny's next door and got take out. It was a low point in my life. You understand if you know how very cool Austin is and how much fun you can have there.
I had to check out of the hotel about 6 the next morning. The clerk behind the desk was working on the receipt FOREVER. Finally, he gave up and admitted he was the bartender and he was the only one on duty. So I left without a receipt. (More trouble from the business office of the bureaucracy!)
And that's about it, other than my carry-on bag ripping and falling completely apart. That didn't seem so bad in comparison to other recent events. By that time, I was expecting it.
As I steeled myself for whatever happened next, the ride home was relatively crisis free. And when I arrived home in Amarillo (knife secured in the checked bag).....I kissed the cold, hard ground.....so happy to be home and vowing to never leave again.
Blessings and may all your travels be smoooooth!
Peek a Boo..I see you!
A while back, my lifelong friend who happens to be the receptionist at my school, got the greatest package from UPS.
You should know that one of us gets a FEDEX or UPS delivery, we are all just thrilled. Our favorites are from Zulily but we can get excited about almost anything. So to drag out a short story into a long story, Melissa received a darling teddy bear destined to be a present for her granddaughter.
It looks like this and it has the most precious animated voice:
Within a few minutes the rest of us who had grandchildren, nieces or nephews or just a sense of fun had ordered several. They all came in on the same day. You can imagine our delight.
So we did this.
Because we're fun that way.
You should know that one of us gets a FEDEX or UPS delivery, we are all just thrilled. Our favorites are from Zulily but we can get excited about almost anything. So to drag out a short story into a long story, Melissa received a darling teddy bear destined to be a present for her granddaughter.
It looks like this and it has the most precious animated voice:
Within a few minutes the rest of us who had grandchildren, nieces or nephews or just a sense of fun had ordered several. They all came in on the same day. You can imagine our delight.
So we did this.
Because we're fun that way.
We lined them up on the ledge in my office. |
Then started them like a "wave" and made a video.
Trust me, whatever child you may have to buy a gift for...this will be a winner with young and old. My Lily Bug loves it! (and she honestly doesn't much like real toys)
(I'm not selling anything for Amazon or Gund, the manufacturer...but if you want this, the link is at Amazon)
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Magnet Family Tree
Silhouette-y stuff
I got quite a good response from my do-it-yourself post. So, I thought I would show you another project. People with this new toy are always looking for something new....and this one turned out great!
Remember, I don't do tutorials....but I will describe the process..a LITTLE!!
I used a canvas for this project and covered the whole front in magnet paint. I bought a quart of it at Walmart. You can get it pretty much anywhere. I chose to only cover the very front of it and leave the edges of the canvas white..for more contrast.
I used the Silhouette downloand (99 cents) called "Fall Tree" and just un-grouped everything and deleted the fall leaves. Then I cut it on black and white printed scrapbook paper and applied it with tacky spray adhesive.
THEN, I used plain white card-stock and designed my own print-and-cut with a snowflake shape. I chose black for the ink and made different size personalized snow flakes. I attached round button magnets (you can buy them now at Walmart and I'm sure Hobby Lobby and Michael's that have adhesive already on the back...this makes this part super easy)
I don't think you could use anything too heavy on this magnet paint. These magnets work well because I am just attaching card-stock paper, so it's very lightweight.
Here's what it looks like with the snowflake magnets on it.
Then, because I was super-excited about the look I had come up with, I immediately made more magnets. I decided on a groovy 60's looking flower to use for Spring.
It looks like this....
I got quite a good response from my do-it-yourself post. So, I thought I would show you another project. People with this new toy are always looking for something new....and this one turned out great!
Remember, I don't do tutorials....but I will describe the process..a LITTLE!!
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This is a very bad pic of what it should look like before adding magnets. |
I used the Silhouette downloand (99 cents) called "Fall Tree" and just un-grouped everything and deleted the fall leaves. Then I cut it on black and white printed scrapbook paper and applied it with tacky spray adhesive.
THEN, I used plain white card-stock and designed my own print-and-cut with a snowflake shape. I chose black for the ink and made different size personalized snow flakes. I attached round button magnets (you can buy them now at Walmart and I'm sure Hobby Lobby and Michael's that have adhesive already on the back...this makes this part super easy)
I don't think you could use anything too heavy on this magnet paint. These magnets work well because I am just attaching card-stock paper, so it's very lightweight.
Here's what it looks like with the snowflake magnets on it.
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With the snowflake-ish magnets attached. |
Then, because I was super-excited about the look I had come up with, I immediately made more magnets. I decided on a groovy 60's looking flower to use for Spring.
It looks like this....
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The button magnets give it a 3-d look for a little more interest. |
It's a fun and easy project. I have it displayed on my black buffet on an black wrought iron easel.
More to come!!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Looking to the future.....
Do you know when something is so precious to you that you can barely stand to share it with the world? It's just utterly magic? Something that is just such an incredible gift that you can barely believe that you have such an amazing and beautiful thing in your life?
Well, that explains why I didn't blog for such a long time.
From the minute my daughter and son-in-law told me they were expecting their first child, I was beyond thrilled. And, I must admit....uncharacteristically fearful. What was I afraid of? It's hard to explain. It was too good to be true. Something would go wrong. What would it be? Difficult labor? Premature birth? Undeveloped lungs? Gestational diabetes?
Believing I had an adversarial relationship with the fates, I just laid low in lots of ways. I purchased and had monogrammed some lovely newborn clothes. But it was difficult for me to really imagine that it was going to really happen.
I had longed for it. But suddenly I couldn't really buy into the idea that I would be a grandmother and get to gaze into the eyes of a child that my very own child birthed.
It was too much, yall.
Then, one Saturday morning....with none of the previously worried about drama.....Lily Kate arrived. 11 days early and in such a hurry that her Mom and Dad barely made it to the hospital. She was precariously close to being born in a Love's Convenience Store restroom!
I arrived at the hospital about 40 minutes after her birth to find my gorgeous daughter nursing her sweet little bundle. She saw me and was laughing and crying at the same time.
"Mommy, I have a baby"
As I look into the eyes of my oldest child, I was filled with love and gratitude for her strength, her health, her dedication to this brand-new life. I remembered the day of her birth, all the joy and fun she has brought me. My own father called her a "free thinker". He would've been thrilled on this day.
Then, after assuring myself that my own baby was well, I looked into the eyes of my first grandchild.
Oh my. The wonder.
She looked so familiar. And kind of like she had a secret.
I was unequivocally in love.
She 16 months old now....and only now can I write about her publicly in this way. She has changed my life. I regret my time worrying rather than happily anticipating and preparing for this incredible experience.
Well, that explains why I didn't blog for such a long time.
From the minute my daughter and son-in-law told me they were expecting their first child, I was beyond thrilled. And, I must admit....uncharacteristically fearful. What was I afraid of? It's hard to explain. It was too good to be true. Something would go wrong. What would it be? Difficult labor? Premature birth? Undeveloped lungs? Gestational diabetes?
Believing I had an adversarial relationship with the fates, I just laid low in lots of ways. I purchased and had monogrammed some lovely newborn clothes. But it was difficult for me to really imagine that it was going to really happen.
I had longed for it. But suddenly I couldn't really buy into the idea that I would be a grandmother and get to gaze into the eyes of a child that my very own child birthed.
It was too much, yall.
Then, one Saturday morning....with none of the previously worried about drama.....Lily Kate arrived. 11 days early and in such a hurry that her Mom and Dad barely made it to the hospital. She was precariously close to being born in a Love's Convenience Store restroom!
I arrived at the hospital about 40 minutes after her birth to find my gorgeous daughter nursing her sweet little bundle. She saw me and was laughing and crying at the same time.
"Mommy, I have a baby"
As I look into the eyes of my oldest child, I was filled with love and gratitude for her strength, her health, her dedication to this brand-new life. I remembered the day of her birth, all the joy and fun she has brought me. My own father called her a "free thinker". He would've been thrilled on this day.
Then, after assuring myself that my own baby was well, I looked into the eyes of my first grandchild.
Oh my. The wonder.
She looked so familiar. And kind of like she had a secret.
I was unequivocally in love.
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My baby with her baby |
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Already looks like has things in control. |
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Two days old |
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First photo shoot at NEST |
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Visiting me at work |
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Wearing Uncle Chase's hat |
She 16 months old now....and only now can I write about her publicly in this way. She has changed my life. I regret my time worrying rather than happily anticipating and preparing for this incredible experience.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Silhouette Cameo fun!
I got a new toy last fall and I have been pretty much obsessed with it since then. It's a Silhouette Cameo and is a cutter. (You may have heard of the Cricut...it's like that but cooler...but I'm not biased or anything!)
What I really like about the Cameo is that it does not require cartridges. You can choose from images on their online site, most are .99 or less. You can size that image, "colorize" it the way you want, print on your printer and cut on the cutter. It cuts vinyl, fabric, and all kinds of paper.
As I said, I'm a fan. If you want to read about one of these wonders, you can check it out at www.silhouetteamerica.com
But be forewarned. You WILL want one. What is cooler about it is: you can design your OWN designs and make them any size you want. This is my favorite feature because I love a cool font (you can use any that you have on your computer), and I like to design my own designs or alter the ones you can buy at the Silhouette online store. It allows you so much flexibility! Cricut is great and groovy and was the greatest thing going UNTIL the Cameo came out....now I'm sold on my new toy.
I have spent lots of time looking up tutorials and also blogs that have examples of cool things to make with the Cameo or its companion software, STUDIO. Which, by the way, is a free download. I have googled and searched and looked high and low for new ideas. Most of the ones you will see today are not super-original, but just have my own touch to them. I do have some originals that I will be posting soon.
I plan on sharing some of the items that I have made...mostly because I know that others out there are looking for inspiration as well. However, I am not an tutorial-er, so anyone who wants ideas from me are probably going to have to figure it out for themselves.
I mean, I am a teacher and all....but I just can't currently bear all that continual picture-taking that must occur if you are going to construct an actual tutorial. I figure most of you can work it out using just the finished product pic!! If you do have any specific questions, just ask....and I'll bet I can answer those.
So.....that said, one of the most fun items that I have done is the newborn baby onesie. My go-to baby shower gift has become the sets of 1day-1year onesies that I design on Studio, cut on Cameo, and then iron on the appropriate size onesies. The gift of twelve onesies looks sort of spectacular...and you can make this present for about $40 or so, depending on how much transfer paper you mess up!!
I have my soon-to-arrive granddaughter's already designed and printed as well!
What I really like about the Cameo is that it does not require cartridges. You can choose from images on their online site, most are .99 or less. You can size that image, "colorize" it the way you want, print on your printer and cut on the cutter. It cuts vinyl, fabric, and all kinds of paper.
As I said, I'm a fan. If you want to read about one of these wonders, you can check it out at www.silhouetteamerica.com
But be forewarned. You WILL want one. What is cooler about it is: you can design your OWN designs and make them any size you want. This is my favorite feature because I love a cool font (you can use any that you have on your computer), and I like to design my own designs or alter the ones you can buy at the Silhouette online store. It allows you so much flexibility! Cricut is great and groovy and was the greatest thing going UNTIL the Cameo came out....now I'm sold on my new toy.
I have spent lots of time looking up tutorials and also blogs that have examples of cool things to make with the Cameo or its companion software, STUDIO. Which, by the way, is a free download. I have googled and searched and looked high and low for new ideas. Most of the ones you will see today are not super-original, but just have my own touch to them. I do have some originals that I will be posting soon.
I plan on sharing some of the items that I have made...mostly because I know that others out there are looking for inspiration as well. However, I am not an tutorial-er, so anyone who wants ideas from me are probably going to have to figure it out for themselves.
I mean, I am a teacher and all....but I just can't currently bear all that continual picture-taking that must occur if you are going to construct an actual tutorial. I figure most of you can work it out using just the finished product pic!! If you do have any specific questions, just ask....and I'll bet I can answer those.
So.....that said, one of the most fun items that I have done is the newborn baby onesie. My go-to baby shower gift has become the sets of 1day-1year onesies that I design on Studio, cut on Cameo, and then iron on the appropriate size onesies. The gift of twelve onesies looks sort of spectacular...and you can make this present for about $40 or so, depending on how much transfer paper you mess up!!
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Not a great shot, but maybe you get the idea! |
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Here's Kutter in his 1 day baseball onesie! Behind him is his proud brother, Kamden! |
I have my soon-to-arrive granddaughter's already designed and printed as well!
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This is for my granddaughter, whose arrival we are awaiting. (hers are a tad fancier!) |
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Precious John Luke at three months |
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Darling nephew, Ryder at one month! |
Monday, January 30, 2012
Take two eggs and.....
So, my loss? Handwritten recipe cards. I love them! Remember when you asked for a recipe from someone? The really organized ones went directly to their little file that held 3 x 5 cards, cutely decorated with turtles or frogs or flowers or mushroom. (You can tell I came of age in the 70's)....They got their ball-point pen and they WROTE the recipe out for you. By hand.
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These were my cards. Classy, yes? |
Sometimes messy, sometimes their instructions were a little too detailed and sometimes they were a little too vague. (By that I mean FOR ME....because "combine"? did that mean stir with a spoon or mix with the mixer?? "blanch"? that was waaaaay out of my league. I learned somewhere in there that it NOT mean the woman on Golden Girls, but had some mysterious meaning that involved ice or cold water. I did not take easily to cooking. I needed details.
Some of my grandmother's recipes just had a list of ingredients with some heading like "Marble Cake". Those did me no good at all, because I did not know what came first, second, third, etc.
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See? I COULD NOT make this pecan pie if my life depended on it! |
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See this one? It's written on paper from the San Antonio Bag & Burlap Company. Do you wonder if it's still in business? Well, just call.... |
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CApital 6-1493 and see if anyone answers. |
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How about this one from Community Public Service? What was this little guy's name? Reddi-Freddi? I miss my mind so much!! |
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Love these from old products. |
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Remember: You'll be GLAD you used Gladiola Flour. |
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Some were clipped from the Comanche Chief and taped to the back of an index card. I posted this one because Granny always made egg custard pie. And I'm sure Mrs. Bill Lee, 839 Poplar did also. :) |
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Check out this cool design and retro look.. Ummm what's that font? Plus, who doesn't love Party Punch? |
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OR Pink Punch Party Cake? |
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You may already recognize the dromedary label for dates , and the back of a powdered sugar box. |
But despite my s-l-o-w learning curve in my 20s, I eventually did learn to cook and the onset of a different kind of recipe, the electronic kind, makes me look back lingeringly at those old handwritten recipe cards. I have some from my paternal grandmother (we called her Mama Owen), my maternal grandmother (we called her Granny Cox) and my own mother (We called her.......wait for it......."Mama". Sorry, but SHE would think that's funny!) I have some my sister wrote out for me when I got married, probably fearing the worst for my young husband. I have some from my sweet mother-in-law, Pat. I have some from my Aunt Frances and because my life has had funny twists and turns I have the recipe box of my husband's late wife, who died of a sudden illness when she was 42.
All of these recipes, handwritten and suspended in time, tell a story of who these women were at that time. The early ones are very inherently different than the later ones. There are noticeable trends in products used . I'm telling you, there was a decade that produced a whole bunch of jello-based goodies and one undetermined timeframe for everything evaporated milk.
We go through those times don't we? Currently my husband and I are going through a manic stage of the green chilis!!! We want them on everything....most recently, scrambled eggs. Along with cheese, of course, but that's another story.
So while I love http://www.allrecipes.com/, http://www.cooks.com/, http://www.foodnetwork.com/, and http://www.food.com/, I do dearly miss the days when I received a carefully handwritten recipe. One I'd asked for because I absolutely loved it at the pot-luck Sunday dinner. Or the wedding shower. Or Christmas dinner.
To most slow old-fashioned processes, I say Good riddance. I myself haven't written a recipe down in years. But that doesn't keep me from being so delighted that I have these keepsake memories that other women in other times took the time to write them down for me.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
The Collecting of Ideas....my way!
A few months ago, I discovered a website that was just a wonder. Of course, you guys are all addicted to PINTEREST with me, right? It has changed my life, yall.
If you are not already on it, go to www.pinterest.com and sign up for your account right now. Go ahead. I'll wait for you until you get back.
Now, don't you agree that it's made your life better. Also, if you obeyed my imperious command to go to the website, what I KNOW is that you won't be reading this. Because it is addictive waaaay beyond crack. I do not know that firsthand, be assured. But it seemed like the right thing to say about this fab site. I pin things, repin, look things up.....always love it!!
I've spent very little time checking Facebook since I found Pinterest. In fact, I've spent very little time doing anything since I found Pinterest.
You may think I'm exaggerating the impact of this SPECIAL place to visit. Well, I will have you know that I have many teachers who say it has changed their teaching style/career. $40,000 worth of professional development and year and THIS is what changes their teaching life! I LOVE IT.
But be warned....when you go in, you may never come out!
So, here's my story:
I found it while looking for decorations for Cameron and Chelsi's summer outdoor wedding and rehearsal dinner. From that moment on, I only stop to eat. Not really. Sometimes I stop and actually make the items that I am finding there. I mean it..Pinterest hit my creative nerve.
I ordered a Silhouette Cameo in late summer and it arrived in November. That has really amped up my creativity because I have THE TOOL. I can design anything on the computer, cut it out on the Silhouette Cameo...then, depending on what media I cut out, I stick it on something, iron it on something, or just print it and frame it. It has been a lot of fun!
If you are interested in what I am talking about, go to www.silhouetteamerica.com and get the full scoop. I will be posting some of my designs/creations in the next few posts.
But for now....I'll leave you with a Pinterest grab....
Be Blessed,
If you are not already on it, go to www.pinterest.com and sign up for your account right now. Go ahead. I'll wait for you until you get back.
Now, don't you agree that it's made your life better. Also, if you obeyed my imperious command to go to the website, what I KNOW is that you won't be reading this. Because it is addictive waaaay beyond crack. I do not know that firsthand, be assured. But it seemed like the right thing to say about this fab site. I pin things, repin, look things up.....always love it!!
I've spent very little time checking Facebook since I found Pinterest. In fact, I've spent very little time doing anything since I found Pinterest.
You may think I'm exaggerating the impact of this SPECIAL place to visit. Well, I will have you know that I have many teachers who say it has changed their teaching style/career. $40,000 worth of professional development and year and THIS is what changes their teaching life! I LOVE IT.
But be warned....when you go in, you may never come out!
So, here's my story:
I found it while looking for decorations for Cameron and Chelsi's summer outdoor wedding and rehearsal dinner. From that moment on, I only stop to eat. Not really. Sometimes I stop and actually make the items that I am finding there. I mean it..Pinterest hit my creative nerve.
I ordered a Silhouette Cameo in late summer and it arrived in November. That has really amped up my creativity because I have THE TOOL. I can design anything on the computer, cut it out on the Silhouette Cameo...then, depending on what media I cut out, I stick it on something, iron it on something, or just print it and frame it. It has been a lot of fun!
If you are interested in what I am talking about, go to www.silhouetteamerica.com and get the full scoop. I will be posting some of my designs/creations in the next few posts.
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Story of my Life!! |
But for now....I'll leave you with a Pinterest grab....
Be Blessed,
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
XXOO Valentine's Advice (and a Warning)
Hello there again!!
With Valentine's Day coming, I think I shall choose to talk about V-Day gifts. Because I feel it is my responsibility to share my many years of Valentine's Day successes and failures with you.
My first Valentine's Day other than the class exchange...which I always loved....was in 5th grade. Right as Mrs. Hesta Hestand (yes, that it her real name) was taking attendance, a 6th grade boy....the cutest 6th grade boy, I might add, appeared at my classroom door with a GORGEOUS white heart filled with chocolates. Perhaps he could tell by my body shape that I was an old gal that would appreciate something with lots of calories. He was right, and I was in love. The puppy kind, but it lives on as one of my favorite memories. Embarrassing but special. I loved it. Thanks, Tony! And I'll tell you why I loved it. I was 10 years old. If the object of your affection is over 10 years old, I would not advise this particular gift. It's just cheesy and cliche.
Second big experience: 7th grade and my boyfriend (we already had out lives all planned out...cabin by a lake and 4 boys named: Joseph, Jason, Jeremy, and Joshua) surprised me by having a single red rose delivered. I still consider this one of if not THE best Valentine's Day. It did not bother me one bit that his Mom was a florist and this gift was probably selected because it was the easiest to come by. Moral of this story: Flowers are always good if you can afford them and you order early enough to get nice ones. Precautionary warning: don't have the bill sent to the house for your wife to pay. Ruins the mystery and delight of the whole thing. The day she receives the bill will be a bad evening for you and YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHY.
I was listening to CNN on the way to work this morning. One of the advertisements was for a "sure to please" gift of a giant Teddy Bear and 5-6 ft. roses for your love. And that is why I'm writing this post. Surely Goodness and Mercy you can find something that won't be scary or over the top like this is bound to be!! It WILL get a response, but I'm not sure it will be the kind you are expecting. The ad promised not only a LIFE-SIZED teddy bear and giant roses, but if you ordered within 60 minutes, you would also receive a Valentine's t-shirt for your sweetheart. It just kept getting worse and worse! There is no way you could frame this present as one that expresses your deep love, affection and respect for your wife/girlfriend, etc. The message it sends:
Maybe you can think of something......and let me know!!
With Valentine's Day coming, I think I shall choose to talk about V-Day gifts. Because I feel it is my responsibility to share my many years of Valentine's Day successes and failures with you.
My first Valentine's Day other than the class exchange...which I always loved....was in 5th grade. Right as Mrs. Hesta Hestand (yes, that it her real name) was taking attendance, a 6th grade boy....the cutest 6th grade boy, I might add, appeared at my classroom door with a GORGEOUS white heart filled with chocolates. Perhaps he could tell by my body shape that I was an old gal that would appreciate something with lots of calories. He was right, and I was in love. The puppy kind, but it lives on as one of my favorite memories. Embarrassing but special. I loved it. Thanks, Tony! And I'll tell you why I loved it. I was 10 years old. If the object of your affection is over 10 years old, I would not advise this particular gift. It's just cheesy and cliche.
Second big experience: 7th grade and my boyfriend (we already had out lives all planned out...cabin by a lake and 4 boys named: Joseph, Jason, Jeremy, and Joshua) surprised me by having a single red rose delivered. I still consider this one of if not THE best Valentine's Day. It did not bother me one bit that his Mom was a florist and this gift was probably selected because it was the easiest to come by. Moral of this story: Flowers are always good if you can afford them and you order early enough to get nice ones. Precautionary warning: don't have the bill sent to the house for your wife to pay. Ruins the mystery and delight of the whole thing. The day she receives the bill will be a bad evening for you and YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHY.
I was listening to CNN on the way to work this morning. One of the advertisements was for a "sure to please" gift of a giant Teddy Bear and 5-6 ft. roses for your love. And that is why I'm writing this post. Surely Goodness and Mercy you can find something that won't be scary or over the top like this is bound to be!! It WILL get a response, but I'm not sure it will be the kind you are expecting. The ad promised not only a LIFE-SIZED teddy bear and giant roses, but if you ordered within 60 minutes, you would also receive a Valentine's t-shirt for your sweetheart. It just kept getting worse and worse! There is no way you could frame this present as one that expresses your deep love, affection and respect for your wife/girlfriend, etc. The message it sends:
- I picked this up at the carnival last year. OR
- I thought enough of you to order this up in advance...so in my heart of hearts I truly believe this is a fabulous present. OR
- I wasted money trying to be hip by sending this present ironically.
Maybe you can think of something......and let me know!!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Long Time No See
First of all, I am aware that it has been 17 long months since I have updated this blog. I don't know if anyone read it in the first place but my reluctance to write was more than mere writer's block. I was suddenly overcome with concerns and changes and every other little thing in the world that was an excuse not to write.
Turns out, at least one or two people read my rantings, raves, and rages because I have been asked by several people to continue...and I think I will! I very much enjoyed reading blogs. I read blogs by people who want to save money (like me, but 25 years younger). I read them by women who want to look better (just as I do...but they are 25 years younger). I read blogs by people who want to be closer to the Lord (like me, but.....well, you know!!) They want to cook better, decorate their houses better, raise wonderful children....all the things I do, but at a much later time in my life. Surely other 53 year old women have noticed this same trend????? Well, I stated how old I am so THAT mystery is over....let's get on with what's happening around here...
There is so much going on in my life right now.
My church is under an active effort to improve almost everything about ourselves. Our worship, our faithfulness, our music, our instruction of children. It's exciting!
As the principal of an elementary school, things are just peachy. We are in the second semester which is always incredibly busy. Second of all, the state of Texas has decided to bless us with a new state assessment of our children and everything they know, think, and do. It is higher-order, highly rigorous, and has just about put US ALL in a rigor. But not quite. We (and by that, I mean my fabulous staff of teachers, paraprofessionals, etc.) have been hanging in there, steady as she goes, teaching our children to the very best of their abilities.
I am currently teaching a weekly "Lunch and Learn" for a small group of parents from my community. We are taking a look at "Have a New Kid by Friday" by Kevin Leman. It is a great book on how to train/discipline/structure the life of your children. It involves the least amount of confrontation with the best possible results that I can imagine......if it's "used as instructed"...just like your antibiotics!!

It's a good book...and like all good books, can be found at Amazon for a decent price. Also available on Kindle and e-readers, which is the way that a few of the mother's in my group got their book. Oh, how I love technology!!! It's all the things I love wrapped up in one: efficiency, informational, and cheaper than the alternative! Our first chapter study boiled down to this. When dealing with your children,
1. Tell them once.
2. Turn around.
3. Walk away.
What simplicity! And I can tell you from the 469 kiddos that are in my school.....and the two I raised....it works!! I now so regret the times I chased my children down in the house, hoping they would "fess up" to the crime, while I ranted and raved about all I had done for them...and wouldn't it be nice if they would show just a smidgen of respect and appreciation for what I had trained them to do? Wouldn't it????? If only Kevin Leman had come to my rescue then!! I've decided that I will pay for my grown children's therapy if they or the judicial system decides they need it.
Because clearly, things are my fault. What things? Everything. But as I'm getting older, my past is getting better and I think now, as my memory is getting foggy, that I probably should've been named Mother of the Year several years in a row back in the 80's. But I.am.not.bitter. At all.
Could I cram anymore into this post? Could it be any more boring?
My daughter has a cool blog. She's one of those young women in this country that writes a blog like we used to write entries in our diaries. They are consistent and somewhat revealing in their personal lives. But unlike my old diary posts, it is uplifting and promising and very full of life!! You can find a younger version of myself at : http://kaylietess.wordpress.com/. It might be interesting for some of you to see how alike and simultaneously how different we are.
Okay, final thought....I've got to change this banner on this blog!! Why, oh why did I like it 17 months ago???
Be blessed,
Turns out, at least one or two people read my rantings, raves, and rages because I have been asked by several people to continue...and I think I will! I very much enjoyed reading blogs. I read blogs by people who want to save money (like me, but 25 years younger). I read them by women who want to look better (just as I do...but they are 25 years younger). I read blogs by people who want to be closer to the Lord (like me, but.....well, you know!!) They want to cook better, decorate their houses better, raise wonderful children....all the things I do, but at a much later time in my life. Surely other 53 year old women have noticed this same trend????? Well, I stated how old I am so THAT mystery is over....let's get on with what's happening around here...
There is so much going on in my life right now.
My church is under an active effort to improve almost everything about ourselves. Our worship, our faithfulness, our music, our instruction of children. It's exciting!
As the principal of an elementary school, things are just peachy. We are in the second semester which is always incredibly busy. Second of all, the state of Texas has decided to bless us with a new state assessment of our children and everything they know, think, and do. It is higher-order, highly rigorous, and has just about put US ALL in a rigor. But not quite. We (and by that, I mean my fabulous staff of teachers, paraprofessionals, etc.) have been hanging in there, steady as she goes, teaching our children to the very best of their abilities.
I am currently teaching a weekly "Lunch and Learn" for a small group of parents from my community. We are taking a look at "Have a New Kid by Friday" by Kevin Leman. It is a great book on how to train/discipline/structure the life of your children. It involves the least amount of confrontation with the best possible results that I can imagine......if it's "used as instructed"...just like your antibiotics!!
It's a good book...and like all good books, can be found at Amazon for a decent price. Also available on Kindle and e-readers, which is the way that a few of the mother's in my group got their book. Oh, how I love technology!!! It's all the things I love wrapped up in one: efficiency, informational, and cheaper than the alternative! Our first chapter study boiled down to this. When dealing with your children,
1. Tell them once.
2. Turn around.
3. Walk away.
What simplicity! And I can tell you from the 469 kiddos that are in my school.....and the two I raised....it works!! I now so regret the times I chased my children down in the house, hoping they would "fess up" to the crime, while I ranted and raved about all I had done for them...and wouldn't it be nice if they would show just a smidgen of respect and appreciation for what I had trained them to do? Wouldn't it????? If only Kevin Leman had come to my rescue then!! I've decided that I will pay for my grown children's therapy if they or the judicial system decides they need it.
Because clearly, things are my fault. What things? Everything. But as I'm getting older, my past is getting better and I think now, as my memory is getting foggy, that I probably should've been named Mother of the Year several years in a row back in the 80's. But I.am.not.bitter. At all.
Could I cram anymore into this post? Could it be any more boring?
My daughter has a cool blog. She's one of those young women in this country that writes a blog like we used to write entries in our diaries. They are consistent and somewhat revealing in their personal lives. But unlike my old diary posts, it is uplifting and promising and very full of life!! You can find a younger version of myself at : http://kaylietess.wordpress.com/. It might be interesting for some of you to see how alike and simultaneously how different we are.
Okay, final thought....I've got to change this banner on this blog!! Why, oh why did I like it 17 months ago???
Be blessed,
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